Preschool Curriculum
Foster young minds with upgraded and lucid lesson plans, tools, and resources to ensure the best start of their lives.
Uniquely crafted lesson plans and activities align with the school academic year, enriched content, and tools for parents and teachers, focusing on meeting every child's learning needs to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.
Holistic Development Planner (HDP)
The HDP Preschool Curriculum delivers 42 KDAs of early years of child development. The planner provides activity descriptions and clear goals to deliver the best learning experience. It stimulates inquisitive minds and expands one’s understanding of the world. This rich module provides the necessary foundation for a child to soar to greater heights with no boundaries.
Curriculum: Available for Playgroup/Pre- Nursery, Nursery, LKG, and UKG age groups.
Holistic Development Curriculum (HDC)
The HDC Curriculum is a comprehensive solution enabled with a technology platform for higher degree collaboration between the school, parent, and child. The HDC International Preschool Curriculum delivers 42 International KDAs of early years. The curriculum provides detailed activity descriptions, enriched with digital content and clearly mapped learning outcomes to promote the holistic development of the child.
Curriculum: Available for Playgroup/Pre- Nursery, Nursery, LKG, and UKG age groups.
Edsmart Home Connect (EHC) / Online Preschool
The Edsmart Home Connect/ Online preschool program provides a detailed activity planner empowering home learning for children. Parents are guided with extensive resources to help the child learn at home while making the process fun.
The EHC preschool curriculum is bundled with the Kids Learning App and web-based guided lessons and activities with enriched videos, audio, images, and documents.
Curriculum: Available for Toddler, Pre-Nursery, Nursery, LKG, and UKG age groups.
The EDSMART Preschool Curriculum was developed with the involvement of many teachers and academic experts. Each educational activity has passed through the hands of experienced teacher consultants who are specialists in their domain. The result is high-quality resources with clear learning outcomes mapped to developmental milestones.
The EDSMART Preschool Curriculum focuses on the holistic development of the child, no matter which method of teaching is followed. The curriculum focuses on early literacy and cognitive, sensorial, and aesthetic development along with fundamental life skills for long-term success in one’s adult life.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Children at this age are very self-oriented and have an egocentric view of the world. They begin to use symbols to represent objects, begin to reason in their own way, etc. All this happens in a process in which the brain stores, retains, and subsequently retrieves information.
Emotional Development
Emotional development is the rate at which a child develops emotionally. Emotions play an important role in life. Children in their early years respond to their primary caregivers with warmth, attentiveness, and care. They develop a sense of security and form patterns of attachments with the immediate close beings in their surroundings. As children develop, they gain awareness of their emotions, including learning how to exert control over them and manage them appropriately.
Language Development
Language development is the process by which children come to understand and communicate language during early childhood. Language is a medium through which humans communicate or share thoughts, ideas, and emotions, be it through verbal language or non-verbal language. This allows them to exchange those thoughts, ideas, or emotions. The language is expressed through listening, reading, speaking, writing, or even gesturing. Thus, language has two forms: expressive and receptive.
Aesthetic Development
The development of creativity is related mainly to the inclination towards any art forms and sense of beautification. Children indulge in creative expression and appreciation through art and music. They experiment with and enjoy various forms of music, both with the classroom facilitator as well as with themselves. They develop familiarity with the basic elements of music, such as melody, rhythm, pitch, tempo, beat, and harmony. A variety of art media are available for creative expression, such as water colour, pens, paint, and clay. Children are exposed to the basic elements of art, such as line, colour, form, texture, space, and composition. Both music and art are woven into all aspects of the curriculum, thus giving children a chance to explore all the forms.
Sensorial Development
Auditory: Refers to the sense of hearing. This is like the sound just being heard; the ability to differentiate between sounds, such as between a teacher’s voice and the ringing of a bell; and following the commands appropriately, i.e., comprehending or processing spoken language and responding to it.
Visual: Refers to the sense of seeing. This involves processing and using visual information in terms of visual memory-recall of objects seen in the past; identifying and discriminating; and visual matching.
Olfactory: Refers to the sense of smell. This is where the child can identify and differentiate between different smells.
Gustatory: Refers to the sense of taste. It is controlled by the taste buds on the tongue. This is where the child can identify and differentiate between different tastes.
Tactile: Refers to the sense of touch. It involves testing how reactive and prompt the child is when he/she comes into contact with different textures or the different types of touch of different people.
Social Development
Social development refers to gaining a sense of understanding of self and others. At this age, children are adamant about sharing their possessions and are ego-centric. Thus, the ability to share, co-operate, and understand the feelings of others should be inculcated in them. How efficiently one develops socially is a result of how one’s self-identity is formed by the opinions of others as well as oneself. Social development is vital because it influences the behaviour patterns of children at later stages of life.
Physical Development
Physical development refers to the growth of the child’s physical abilities. It entails the development of large muscles like those in the hands, legs, etc., and small muscles like those in the fingers, as well as the skills of coordination, control, manipulation, and movement.
Gross Motor Skills:-
Balancing skills
Balance is the ability to maintain a controlled body position while performing a task, whether it is sitting at a table, walking on a balance beam, or stepping up a step. Balancing skill is the ability to
Physical strength
This involves seeing how active the child is, including his/her grace and skill in physical movement, especially his/her hands and legs. Examples include energy levels, ease in moving hands and legs while running or picking up something, etc.
Muscle coordination
This is required for daily activities such as picking up a toy and reaching for a glass. Muscle coordination determines whether children can carry out these activities promptly or whether they have difficulty. This can also be observed during exercise time.
Fine Motor Skills:-
Pincer grip
This is the ability to hold objects between the thumb and index finger. The pincer grip is essential for writing and drawing activities.
Eye-hand coordination
This can be fostered by many Montessori aids, like the pink tower, cylindrical box, etc. It is the coordination between the eye and hand and their movement together. This skill is essential for writing, playing, and drawing.